May 22, 2014
Navarre grad earns scholarship to study abroad
A 2007 Navarre High School alum and graduate student at the University of Kentucky has been awarded a National Security Education Program (NSEP) David L. Boren Fellowship of up to $30,000 to study Russian in Irkutsk and Vladivostok, Russia. Cassidy Henry was one of 106 graduate student award winners selected nationwide.
May 22, 2014
Flood turns school floor into time capsule
The floors at West Navarre Primary School will soon be covered with new carpet after most of the classrooms were flood damaged from April’s storm. But before that, students got the chance to leave permanent autographs to be remembered by future generations.
May 22, 2014
Governor recognizes Navarre teacher
Fla. Gov. Rick Scott during a Florida Cabinet meeting May 13 recognized nine outstanding educators for their contributions to learning, and Holley-Navarre Intermediate teacher Danielle Clark was one of them. Each teacher was presented with the Governor’s Shine Award.
May 15, 2014
Navarre students advance to district public speaking competition
Seven West Navarre Intermediate students will be advancing to the 2014 4-H/Tropicana Public Speaking Contest this week for their innovative speeches on topics including imagination, following your dreams and the earth.
May 15, 2014
West Navarre Intermediate teacher named Rookie of the Year
Corrina Nelson, a fourth-grade teacher at West Navarre Intermediate, has been named the 2014 Rookie of the Year. Fellow teachers nominate a rookie each year, and the winners from each of the district’s 33 public schools are up for the top honor, ultimately selected by the Santa Rosa Education Foundation.
May 8, 2014
NHS’s brightest students honored
Proud parents were at Navarre High School April 29 to recognize graduating seniors and bright students who were inducted into the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society.
May 8, 2014
Superintendent seeks waiver for flooding closures
Santa Rosa County Schools Superintendent Tim Wyrosdick is asking the Florida Department of Education to waive makeup days for two school days lost as a result of last week’s historic deluge.
May 8, 2014
Navarre student emerges from UWF
Sarah Olive-Smith, a senior legal studies major at the University of West Florida and Navarre native, was recently recognized as part of the first graduating class of Emerge Scholars. She graduated from the university during its commencement ceremony May 3.
May 8, 2014
Bill to allow guns in schools died
Tallahassee (AP) – The Florida House April 28 passed legislation that would allow trained officials to carry guns in schools, but a companion bill died May 2 in the Senate.
May 1, 2014
Santa Rosa has one of the state’s STAR superintendents
Santa Rosa County Superintendent of Schools Tim Wyrosdick has been recognized as one Florida’s 2013 STAR Superintendents by a nomination through the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations. The annual award is given to one superintendent, and Wyrosdick was one of four nominees for the top honor, which ultimately went to Broward County Superintendent Robert Runcie in December.