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Jul 3, 2014
Nearly 30 middle school girls from Santa Rosa County experienced science in fun and exciting ways June 23 – 27 at Pensacola State College (PSC). PEGASUS (Play, Engage, Grow, Achieve … Summer of Uplifting Science), the brainchild of PSC science faculty in partnership with the Santa Rosa County School District, was an effort to engage young females to participate in science and technology activities.

Jul 3, 2014
Without discussion among board members, the Santa Rosa County School Board unanimously voted June 26 to remove corporal punishment as a form of discipline in district schools. The move came after James McNulty, founder of Floridians Against Corporal Punishment in Public Schools, started advocating for a district ban in November 2013.

Jul 3, 2014
New York – (Business Wire) – Florida’s shift toward greater dependence on local taxes and modest increase in per-pupil funding are neutral for the state’s local school district credit quality, Fitch Ratings says. The move away from reliance on state appropriations is included in the state’s 2015 budget.

Jun 26, 2014
A Milton woman beat the qualifying deadline Friday and will face Santa Rosa County School Board District 1 incumbent Diane Scott in the November election.

Jun 26, 2014
The Santa Rosa County School Board recently approved adding six minutes to each school day for students. Locally, parents seemed more concerned about school start times than the additional instruction time. Holley-Navarre Primary and Holley Navarre Intermediate Schools both begin instruction at 7:30 a.m. West Navarre Primary and West Navarre Intermediate Schools both begin at 8:15 a.m. In contrast, Navarre High and Holley Navarre Middle School begin at 9:15 and 9:25 a.m. respectively.

Jun 19, 2014
The Santa Rosa County School Board approved June 10 the starting and dismissal times for the 2014-2015 school year. District officials added one minute to each of the six periods, totaling an additional six minutes per school day. That slight change will provide the district with enough classroom time to avoid having to make up schools days missed because of storms.

Jun 19, 2014
“I thought it was going to look like one of those Pinterest fails,” Chloey Guy said of her prom dress that was made out of duct tape.

Jun 19, 2014
Students in school districts from the Florida Panhandle improved their scores on state end-of-course (EOC) assessments Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology 1 and U.S History.

Jun 19, 2014
“Goggle check!” Manisha Agrawal yelled to her campers as they demolished computers, sewing machines, alarm clocks and radios.

Jun 12, 2014
A kids’ art program initiated by Santa Rosa County Tax Collector Stan Colie Nichols raised $18,000 for local school arts programs in its first year. Santa Rosa County School elementary art teachers encouraged students to design artwork for tags. Those tags were then offered for purchase, and proceeds will be used to fund the purchase of art supplies for the schools.
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