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Aug 28, 2014
The excitement built during the first week of school at West Navarre Intermediate School as hints about the sorting ceremony for the school’s communities were leaked out.

Aug 21, 2014
Students from Navarre High School visited Ecuador and the Galapagos islands this summer to learn about environmental conservation.

Aug 14, 2014
The West Navarre Intermediate School (WNIS) gifted and talented program is getting a reboot this year.

Aug 14, 2014
Navarre High School’s Class of 2018 got a trial run at high school life Aug. 7 when they attended Freshmen Day. The event gave freshmen a run through what life will be like at the High School beginning Aug. 18.

Aug 14, 2014
Santa Rosa County School students can openly use cellphones this year, although there will still be restrictions. Students cannot use devices during instructional time, unless a teacher specifies otherwise. The new policy also allows use on district buses.

Aug 7, 2014
“I really am trying to do things differently,” said West Navarre Intermediate School Principal David Crissey. He has been busy this summer, busy developing new ideas for his students returning in just a few weeks.

Aug 7, 2014
Even as summer winds down, Navarre Beach Marine Station (NBMSS) summer camps are still in full swing. Kindergartners through second graders last week attended Fins and Flippers. The camp could be described as an introduction to NBMSS.

Aug 7, 2014
Nearly 11 percent of Santa Rosa County District School’s 26,584 students had missed around 18 days – or 10 percent of the 2013-2014 school year — by Feb. 26, 2014. District administrator David Johnson aims to reduce those high absentee rates, which put students at risk for dropping out of school.

Jul 31, 2014
For the first time in five years, the Santa Rosa County School District’s budget is increasing. At the same time, strong economic growth is allowing the district to reduce its total millage rate, which means savings for Santa Rosa County taxpayers.

Jul 31, 2014
A grant award for Gulf Islands National Seashore (GINS) will fund an innovative educational opportunity, so that local teens can better understand a special group of seasonal guests on area beaches, sea turtles. The grant from the National Parks Foundation will fund Gulf Islands’ “Turtle T.H.I.S. (Teens Helping in the Seashore) Program.”
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