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Sep 18, 2014
Discontent among some public school bus drivers is reaching a fevered pitch. More than a dozen drivers showed up at the Sept. 11 Santa Rosa School Board meeting, complaining that Durham School Services, the district’s transportation provider, disrespects employees and fails to maintain its fleet of 214 buses.

Sep 18, 2014
Navarre High School has been allocated 95.5 teachers for the 2014-2015 school year, up from 89 last year.

Sep 11, 2014
Uncle Sandy’s Macaw Bird Park in Pensacola just got a lot more accessible thanks to Jares Doverspike and Boy Scout Troop 102.

Sep 11, 2014
More area students are participating in dual enrollment classes, but the Santa Rosa and Escambia County School Districts are getting a break on the cost, thanks to an agreement with Pensacola State College (PSC).

Sep 11, 2014
To be independent and as self-capable as possible. That’s a goal the Navarre High School Exceptional Student Education program and its 25 students share.

Sep 11, 2014
Local teachers were treated to an appreciation luncheon Sept. 6 at the Saltwater Cottage in Navarre. Teachers from schools in Santa Rosa and Okaloosa counties made their way over to the outdoor eating area at the Cottage at 11 a.m. to indulge in a gourmet lunch spread complete with breads, cheeses, sandwiches dips, cakes, fruit and more.

Sep 4, 2014
“They have scratches and bumps all over them,” said fourth-grader Elizabeth Boone as she watched Navarre High School football players walk by at Holley Navarre Intermediate School.

Sep 4, 2014
Can you put a price on your child’s education?

Aug 28, 2014
William “B.J.” Price III is the new principal at West Navarre Primary School (WNPS). However, serving as a leader in the local school district is nothing new to his family. His dad, Bill Price, also rose through the ranks, retiring as Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum Instruction.

Aug 28, 2014
The start of the school year brought higher than projected enrollment numbers in the Santa Rosa School District. Superintendent Tim Wyrosdick says enrollment is up by 591 students.
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