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Dec 17, 2015
Austin Anderson is no stranger to science fair success at Holley-Navarre Middle School.

Dec 10, 2015
Governor Rick Scott’s Florida First budget prioritizes Florida students by proposing historic K-12 funding of $20.2 billion, including raising per-pupil funding to record levels, and increasing funding for innovative strategies that support student success.

Dec 10, 2015
In math, every equation will have an answer.  That’s what Kelly Gardner of Holley-Navarre Middle School loves about teaching math; there is always an answer.  Putting that theory to the test, mathematically if a + b = c, and a = Kelly Gardner, and b = teachers and administrators at Holley-Navarre Middle School (HNMS), then a + b = HNMS Teacher of the Year.  At least that’s how Gardner sees it.  She was awarded the distinction of Teacher of the Year for the school, but she is quick to credit the ones around her for the award, “I am so honored to be Teacher of the Year. But we all work together and we are a family here,” Kelly said.

Dec 10, 2015
The cafeteria inside Holley Navarre Intermediate School was turned into a computer lab Monday morning. Wearing headphones and smiles, eager students sat in front of computers and put their tech skills to use during the Hour of Code.

Dec 3, 2015
Every two years, the cafeteria at Woodlawn Beach Middle School transforms into a castle from the renaissance period to host the community and parents for their Madrigal performance.  The event is scheduled for Dec. 11 and 12 starting at 6:30 p.m. Unlike any other event of its nature, attendees will be served a four-course meal and see performances by the band and chorus students throughout.  The students and faculty will be in period costumes, and appropriately enough two years ago the principal Victor Lowrimore served as the King of the castle.  He also had a court jester.

Dec 3, 2015
The Santa Rosa County School District isn’t simply trying to help the homeless students in its schools. Its goal is to break the cycle and end the problem.

Nov 26, 2015
This year, West Navarre Intermediate School welcomed in a new administrator. Mrs. Shana Dorsey became the new principal this year after serving as assistant principal at WNIS for the last for few years. When asked why she wanted to be a principal she answered,” I wanted to be a principal to have a greater impact on students.” Her desire is to “create lifelong learners at WNIS, to educate and nurture children, and help develop responsible students who are ready for the future.” Mrs. Shana Dorsey graduated from the University of Alabama, and went on to earn a master’s degree in educational leadership from the University of West Florida.  

Nov 26, 2015
You may have heard of the Caring and Sharing program, but many may not know what it is really about.  Come along with me as I tell you about the “Journey of the Food”.  

Nov 26, 2015
“Paper, paper!” shout kids with a still warm, fresh copy of iNKSTAND at their fingertips.  There are so many talented kids at West Navarre Intermediate School, many of whom are talented in writing.  This was one of the reasons Mr. Long and Mrs. Baer, both gifted teachers at WNIS, started this program last year.  When questioned about the program, Mr. Long said, “We didn’t want this to just be for our gifted students, but an opportunity for anyone and everyone,” and added, “…specifically, we wanted to also include students who may be struggling, or have lack of interest in their school work, with hopes of getting them motivated and turned on to learning.”

Nov 26, 2015
Does your child save money, or does it burn a hole in their pocket? If saving is difficult for you or your child, consider the advice and research of a few local students who found ways to help with that struggle. 
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