Mar 29, 2018
Santa Rosa schools secure all-new bus fleet for 2019
Santa Rosa County school bus riders will be all be riding to school in brand-new buses starting next school year after the school board voted to contract with a new transportation vendor.
Mar 22, 2018
Drug offending teens get second chance
Roughly 11 percent of Santa Rosa County high schoolers have abused at least one type of prescription drug. Some have tried opioids, and others have combined pills.
Mar 15, 2018
Student photojournalist to attend national conference
Navarre High School student and future photojournalist Nikki Masters wants to see her photos splashed across the pages of National Geographic.
Mar 8, 2018
Essay contest winners recognized
Navarre Junior ROTC cadets received medals Wednesday for the essays they wrote for the Milton Fleet Reserve Association.
Mar 8, 2018
School board offers $1.9 million for Tiger Point parcel
Tiger Point Golf Club’s defunct west course will be the site of a middle or elementary school—or both—if the City of Gulf Breeze accepts Tim Wyrosdick’s $1.9 million offer for a 45-acre parcel.
Mar 1, 2018
Santa Rosa girls get GEEKy
Woodlawn Beach Middle School rolled out the red carpet and passed out tiaras Feb. 22 as hundreds of young women with a spark for science were welcomed to the second annual GEEKS Science Night.
Mar 1, 2018
Santa Rosa schools receive health Gold award
For the sixth year Santa Rosa School District has been given gold for health.
Feb 22, 2018
Cunningham shines bright among peers
The selection came as a surprise for Katalina Cunningham.
Feb 22, 2018
Measuring school growth gets complicated
South Santa Rosa County needs a new high school, but it is not likely to be built anytime soon. There are fewer than 147 student stations left open in Gulf Breeze and Navarre High School combined. By 2022 that number will be at least negative 261.
Feb 15, 2018
Students put their best foot forward at Navarre High job fair
With resumes in hand, smiles on their faces and a determination to put their best foot forward in front of perspective employers, students walked from table to table meeting with employers Thursday morning at the Navarre High School job fair.