Mar 19, 2021
Suspicious bicycling man found with drugs
A man reported to be bicycling up and down Ortega Street in Navarre at night and peering into car windows was arrested on a felony drug possession charge.
Mar 18, 2021
Walmart employee accused of stealing Lottery tickets, paying only for winners
A 59-year-old Navarre woman was charged with grand larceny after allegedly stealing more than $800 in scratch-off Lottery tickets without paying for them. She then scratched off the serial numbers and scanned them to see if they were winning tickets.
Mar 17, 2021
Bouncy house suffers mortal wound
A 44-year-old Navarre woman has been charged with criminal mischief for allegedly stabbing an inflatable bouncy house, causing it not to inflate.
Mar 11, 2021
Man with feathers in his hair attacked, called ‘Indian giver’
A man with feathers glued to his hair was stabbed in the throat during an altercation in Navarre about a bicycle.
Mar 11, 2021
Man batters down door to get to wife
A Navarre man has been charged with burglary with assault and battery as well as criminal mischief for property damage after he allegedly kicked in the door to someone else’s apartment.
Mar 1, 2021
Couple locks child out of house, tells him he’s not allowed inside
A 47-year-old Navarre man and a 44-year-old Navarre woman were arrested Feb. 18 and charged with child neglect, after refusing to let an 11-year-old child who said he was hungry into the house. The child filmed the incident, which showed that all entrances were locked, and he was not allowed to enter.