Mar 14, 2013
Bondi wants to enhance False Claims Act
Attorney General Pam Bondi announced March 6 that one of her top priorities is a bill that will enhance Florida’s False Claims Act and better protect taxpayers from false or fraudulent claims seeking money from the State of Florida.
Mar 7, 2013
It warmed the cockles of this city boy’s heart when Coker, Ala.,-born Betty Adcock drawled that she’d been raised on a farm, and when I asked her to tell me details, she hit the cotton-pickin’ field a-runnin’:
Mar 7, 2013
Beloved biker takes last ride
Howard “Stump” Young took his final ride on March 2 when he lost his battle with cancer following surgery.
Mar 7, 2013
Commission meeting concludes in minutes
Santa Rosa County commissioners completed their commission meeting on Feb. 28 in 18 minutes, approving all the items on the agenda.
Mar 7, 2013
Sheriff’s Office offers social media APP
The Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office recently became the first sheriff’s office in the state to introduce its own smartphone application. The free app is downloadable to iPhone, Android and iPad devices.
Feb 28, 2013
Nope, this Al Smith ain’t “that” Al Smith, and his brother, John Smith, ain’t “that” John Smith.
Feb 28, 2013
TV special shows glory, trauma of military dogs
LOS ANGELES (AP) — It’s been almost seven months since a bomb exploded on a strip of dirt in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Leonard Anderson can only remember a reassuring voice.
Feb 28, 2013
Gone Coastal
The calendar says it’s February, but you sure can’t tell it by the fishing action. February is generally considered to be one of the slowest months of the year, but my Super Bowl-weekend, half-day fishing trips out of Carrabelle proved otherwise.
Feb 28, 2013
Babies springing up at Gulf Breeze Zoo
The Gulf Breeze Zoo is springing up with baby animals.
Many of the babies have been born in the past month, including a gazelle; a lamb; an antelope; emus; and patas, spider and squirrel monkeys.
Feb 28, 2013
Sounds that transcend time conference
Award-winning songwriter, performer and recording artist Steve Key will be one of several prominent presenters at the Sounds that Transcend Time music conference and concert.