Aug 8, 2013
Here’s looking at you Vicki and Jack Dunklebarger
She moved silently, each step bringing her nearer her prey. The inclination to attack was strong, but experience held her back. Vicki and Jack Dunklebarger, relaxing at Navarre Park, were unaware they were being watched.
Aug 8, 2013
Florida black bear 101
The bear population is on the rise in southern half Santa Rosa County — and so is the misinformation about these mammals. Thus, it was fitting that a workshop on how residents can protect their home and property from bears was held at a place of higher learning.
Aug 8, 2013
Woman’s Club seeks new members for new season
After taking its usual two-month summer hiatus, the Emerald Coast Woman’s Club is gearing up for a new year.
Aug 8, 2013
Young Professionals connect with leaders
Santa Rosa County citizens had a unique opportunity to discuss local matters with several local and state leaders at a “Meet & Greet” for elected officials hosted by the Santa Rosa Young Professionals (SRYP) on July 31 at the Santa Rosa County Auditorium.
Aug 8, 2013
Holley’s first family of pottery
Within a sleepy, unassuming corner of the Holley community lies one of the biggest pottery kilns in the country. It’s one of various sized kilns, wheels, and other pottery-making paraphernalia belonging to Holley Hill Pottery, a family-owned-and-operated business for more than 30 years.
Aug 1, 2013
Here’s looking at you John Parrish
John Parrish, 90, was born in El Dorado, Ark., in 1923 and grew up in Oklahoma during the Dust Bowl and Great Depression. Those years were also known as “the Dirty Thirties.”
Aug 1, 2013
Local vet says pudgy pets can win by losing
Obesity, and related health issues, are not just problems for people. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, it is estimated that 54 percent of dogs and cats in the country are overweight or obese. That translates to roughly 80 million pets at increased risk for weight-related disorders such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure and many cancers.
Aug 1, 2013
Local dancers are National Champs
Two groups of local dance students took top honors at the NYLA national dance competition held in June in Biloxi. The dancers are students at A Time To Dance, a local studio with locations in Gulf Breeze and Navarre.
Aug 1, 2013
United Way Cram the Van event collecting school supplies for students in need
United Way Santa Rosa’s 14th annual Cram the Van drive last Thursday was another successful mission of collecting school supplies for students in need. The cram-a-thon was held at three Wal-Mart locations in Gulf Breeze, Pace and Navarre.
Aug 1, 2013
Community raises money for local woman’s murdered son
Friends and coworkers of Tina Doubleday, server at the Pier Bar and Grill on Navarre Beach, are collecting donations for funeral expenses for her son, who was found dead July 15.