Feb 27, 2014
Film features Navarre scenes
About 30 to 40 percent of the shots in Steven McMillan’s newest feature film, “The Downtime” were filmed on location in Navarre last summer. The film features three Pensacola residents Brandon Clarkson, Sara Nicole Storm and Paul Myers.
Feb 27, 2014
Mixed housing results to start 2014
A report from Florida Realtors® showed the number of sales of single family homes and townhouses and condos in Florida increased by double digits in January 2014 compared with a year earlier. The Santa Rosa and Escambia County markets out-paced the state average for single family home sales but lagged far behind for townhouse and condo sales.
Feb 27, 2014
Motorcycles hitting the road in greater numbers
Warmer temperatures mean more and more motorcycles will travel down highways, city streets and county roads across northwest Florida. Unfortunately, more bikes on the road also mean a greater likelihood of car-motorcycle collisions.
Feb 20, 2014
Pensacon: Sci-Fi extravaganza draws thousands
Downtown Pensacola was taken over last weekend as thousands gathered for Pensacon, a convention for lovers all things science fiction, fantasy and horror.
Feb 20, 2014
James Hudson said he didn’t remember much about the Depression, but he did remember meeting his older relatives for the first time.
Feb 20, 2014
Bed tax up nearly 30 percent
Bed tax collected in Santa Rosa County during the first quarter of the 2014 fiscal year – October through December 2013 – was up 28.9 percent when compared with the same period a year earlier. Santa Rosa County Tourist Development Council (TDC) Director Kate Wilkes distributed the information Feb. 12 to members of the TDC’s south-end committee.
Feb 20, 2014
Snow birds flock to social
More than 200 seasonal visitors enjoyed an afternoon of conversation, food and fun at the Santa Rosa County Tourist Development Council’s Snow Bird Appreciation Social Feb. 13 at the Club at Hidden Creek. Eighteen area businesses showcased their products and services and provided give-a-ways for the attendees.
Feb 20, 2014
Grant to help GB build new water tank
The Northwest Florida Water Management District announced Feb. 13 more than $1.2 million in grant funds will flow to Santa Rosa County communities to support water supply development projects, and nearly $350,000 is heading to the City of Gulf Breeze to help fund construction of an elevated water storage tank.
Feb 13, 2014
Here’s Looking at You Ernest T. Schilling
“I was born in 1922, in San Antonio, Texas, Ernest T. Schilling repeated, when I said he didn’t look that old.
Feb 13, 2014
GBMS students take over city council
At last Monday’s meeting, Gulf Breeze councilmembers gave up their seats to slightly younger counterparts. Instead, eighth graders got a unique opportunity to lead the meeting as part of a program designed to reward students who show leadership skills.