Oct 3, 2013
Mediacom moves to usage-based billing
Mediacom high-speed Internet service customers have been receiving notices alerting them to recently implemented usage-based billing, which other providers also utilize.
Sep 26, 2013
New hair studio finds middle ground
Opening The Kat House Hair Studio just two months ago, Katherine “Kat” Brown and Morgan Waters are excited to be able to share their passion for hair styling with the Navarre community.
Sep 26, 2013
Navarre’s Kool Breeze named Small Business of Year
It was a mixing of business and pleasure on September 17 when about 100 people came out to celebrate the Santa Rosa County Economic Development Office’s 2013 Industry Appreciation awards, which were announced at a luncheon held at the County Auditorium in Milton.
Sep 19, 2013
Survey says Fla. continued to add jobs in August
TALLAHASSEE — Florida continues to add jobs, according to a new employment survey.
Sep 19, 2013
Navarre hotel manager nominated as a “rising star”
Navarre Hampton Inn & Suites revenue manager Mike Loera is celebrating a successful career in the hospitality industry, and he accomplished it all before his 30th birthday.
Sep 12, 2013
Use budget surplus on tax cuts, school spending
TALLAHASSEE — Florida Gov. Rick Scott, anticipating a healthy budget surplus next year, says he wants to cut taxes and fees by $500 million during his re-election year.
Sep 12, 2013
Construction gone, auction on
With the sea of orange barrels gone and the roadwork on Highway 87 complete, Donna Harvell can now get back to what she loves doing best — being an auctioneer.
Sep 12, 2013
Some corruption in BP settlement program
An independent probe led by former FBI Director Louis Freeh found evidence of a plot by lawyers to “corrupt” the BP settlement program but nothing that warranted shutting down payments to victims of the company’s 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, according to a report issued Friday.
Sep 5, 2013
Report: Florida economy has lost ground since 2000
Florida’s economy has been losing ground since about 2000 on almost every measurement, including income, unemployment and inflation, a report released Monday says.