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Apr 10, 2014
The Santa Rosa County Zoning Board at its meeting tonight will consider amending the county’s land development code to allow photography studios to be operated as home-based businesses. The code currently prohibits a number of types of businesses from operating in a residence including fortune telling, massage parlors, modeling studios, photography studios and similar services.

Apr 3, 2014
Coastal Concessions partners teamed up with local restaurateur Bob Benaquis to win the bid to operate the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier and open a full-service restaurant at the county-owned facility.

Apr 3, 2014
The Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce at its monthly meeting March 28 announced its Business and Member of the Month, as well as its Ambassador of the Quarter.

Apr 3, 2014
Strong storms moved through the Navarre area Friday damaging the roof of a business center located on Highway 98 just west of Prado Street.

Mar 27, 2014
Mobile-based ST Aerospace came to Pensacola looking for employees March 20, and company officials say they were pleased by the turnout for a recruitment and informational session coordinated by the local workforce investment board – CareerSource Escarosa – and hosted by Pensacola State College.

Mar 27, 2014
Mississippi-based Southern Pipe and Supply opened its newest branch location about three weeks ago in Navarre. The company is leasing a facility at 7534 Navarre Parkway, previously occupied by Bayview Flooring and Interiors.

Mar 27, 2014
Gulf Power announced March 20 changes to its executive leadership team, and they will be effective March 29.

Mar 20, 2014
Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce Chairman Gary Huston appeared before the Santa Rosa County Commission at their March 13 meeting, providing an update on activities since the departure of former chief executive Jim Hizer in August 2013.

Mar 20, 2014
“If you have to work more, you should get paid more” – those were the words last week of President Barack Obama as he directed Secretary of Labor Tom Perez to look at overhauling the nation’s laws regarding overtime. Obama went on to say that in his view, if more workers got fatter paychecks, they could spend more and stimulate the economy.

Mar 20, 2014
Santa Rosa County’s unemployment rate for January 2014 is 5.9 percent, which is lower than both the state and national averages. Florida’s unemployment rate for January was 6.1 percent, the lowest since June 2008 when the state average stood at 6 percent. 
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