Sep 15, 2016
Clarkson Eyecare absorbs Navarre Family Eyecare
Navarre Family Eyecare changed its name after becoming part of larger company Clarkson Family Eyecare.
Sep 15, 2016
Middle-class America can make smart investments too
You can start an investment portfolio that will pay your retirement with $25 a month.
Sep 8, 2016
Gulf Breeze Area Chamber Ambassadors of the Quarter
The Gulf Breeze Area Chamber recognized Jeremy Carver, financial advisor with Edward Jones as Ambassador of the Quarter for the second quarter of 2016.
Sep 8, 2016
Cox comes to Navarre businesses
Navarre businesses gained a new option for internet and voice services as Cox Communications opened service up to businesses along the U.S. Highway 98 corridor.
Sep 1, 2016
Holley Hills subdivision gets county go-ahead
Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners gave final approval Thursday, Aug. 25, for the final platting of Holley Hills subdivision, and construction of homes could be underway as early as September.
Sep 1, 2016
Small businesses get helping hand
Gulf Power released Small Business Connect tool to its website Aug. 25 to provide small businesses with a “one stop shop” for resources with starting, growing or relocating their small business.
Aug 25, 2016
Clock is ticking on selling tax to voters
Voters might have been left with more questions than answers after a presentation by Moving Santa Rosa Forward’s Ed Carson on the half cent local option sales tax (LOST) for capital improvements to the Economic Development and Government Affairs Committee (EDC) Friday, Aug. 19.
Aug 18, 2016
County selects short-list for marketing candidates
The short list of candidates for the Tourism Development (TDC) marketing and advertising contract was selected Friday, Aug. 12, and incumbent Mobile. Ala.-based Davis South Barnett and Patrick Public Relations and Advertising (DSBP) topped the list.
Aug 11, 2016
A tale of two chambers
In an email sent to several Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce members and military Public Affairs offices, Tony Hughes, former Military Affairs Council chairman for the NBACOC announced the organization of a new chamber of commerce in Navarre. It will be known as The Greater Navarre Area Chamber, not so different from the existing Navarre Beach Area Chamber.
Aug 4, 2016
Florida First Sites break ground on first project
When President and CEO of boat manufacturer Cape Horn/Fabbro Marine Chris Fabbro realized he needed room for his business to grow, he said he feared he would have to leave Santa Rosa County even going as far away as North Carolina.