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Feb 9, 2017
Bentina Terry, Gulf Power’s Customer Service and Sales vice president, has been selected as senior vice president of the Metro Atlanta Region for Georgia Power. In this role, she will be responsible for the company’s operations, sales, customer service, economic and community development, and external affairs activities across metro Atlanta, which includes 1.2 million customers.

Feb 2, 2017
One of the United States’ most viewed football games of the year, and most viewed U.S. television events period, is expected to see a slight drop in viewership this year as the Atlanta Falcons face off against the New England Patriots for Super Bowl LI Feb. 5.

Jan 26, 2017
Local bank Gulf Coast Community Bank (GCCB) was absorbed by regional banking franchise The First, A National Banking Association at the start of the year for roughly $3 million in stock exchanges and other transactions.

Jan 19, 2017
New Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations could delay tax returns to millions of middle- and low-income tax payers until at least mid-February regardless of early filing.

Jan 19, 2017
Florida’s minimum wage went up to $8.10 an hour and $5.08 an hour for tipped employees as of Jan. 1.

Jan 12, 2017
Statistics show that a fast-growing Navarre has fewer child care providers per child than the rest of Santa Rosa County.

Jan 11, 2017
Business owners in Navarre need not travel far for advice on growing their businesses, thanks to Ask Adam, which launched Jan. 9 at the Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce.

Jan 5, 2017
Florida’s contracted tourism agency Visit Florida came under fire just months before the legislature would meet to decide whether to approve a $76 million budget for the organization. The criticism has resulted in the resignation of the company’s President and CEO Will Seccombe.

Dec 29, 2016
Gallup resigns Tourist Development Council

Two year veteran of the Tourist Development Council Laurie Gallup resigned from the board citing frustration with Santa Rosa County government bureaucracy. Gallup is the owner of Navarre Properties, which manages leisure guest accom­modations in several condo­miniums on or near the beach.

Dec 22, 2016
Tree lots packed with freshly cut evergreens have cropped up across Navarre this Christmas season, and chain stores like Lowes and Walmart have shipped in dozens of their own trees for sale.
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