Chamber ramps up summer fun
For those looking for some fun on Navarre Beach beyond the Gulf, they are in luck.
The Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce is set to start up their annual summer concert series, Tunes by the Dunes, again.
Tough road ahead: Truckers feel brunt of gas prices
Whether you are driving across the United States or across town, it takes gas to get there.
In the last few months, that has become complicated as gas prices for all types of gas have soared due to inflation.
East River Smokehouse says goodbye, The Grillehouse says hello
Navarre residents are always clamoring for new restaurants and places to go around town, this past week, it seems they got their wish.
It was announced that East River Smokehouse would be closing. In its place, a steakhouse is set to open.
Supreme Court tosses solar case back to PSC
Paper shortages causing issues across the board
Shortages on items have not let up since the beginning of the pandemic.
The newest subject is any manner of paper products—from copy paper to napkins—and the issue is affecting the local area.
Creating a new hub: Navarre Town Center project looking ahead
The developer for a potential commercial shopping center – Navarre Town Center – says the project is moving right along. The Navarre Press first reported on the possible Navarre Town Center in March.
The center, which is being considered for future development by Robert “Bob” Benaquis, would essentially be a downtown shopping center in Navarre.
Holley By The Sea promotes local businesses
Pensacola International Airport shares success story
The director of the Pensacola International Airport (PNS) presented the progress of the airport at the Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce.
The Economic Development, Growth and Education (EDGE) meeting took place on May 3, and a number of business representatives from the community were present to learn about the economic success of one particular business
Holley Properties sells building, relocates virtually
A landmark building in Navarre located at 6863 Navarre Parkway has sold.
Built in 2001, Holley Properties has anchored the corner across from the Holley by the Sea entrance for more than 20 years. Their presence in Navarre began in 1991.
Pink Pirates donate $20,000
The Pink Pirates of Navarre donated $20,000 to Baptist Health Care’s mammogram fund on April 27, through their 2021 fundraising efforts.
The fund provides mammograms to uninsured women in the communities Baptist serves.