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Residents encouraged to practice cold weather and fire safety

| Staff Reporters
Santa Rosa County Public Safety urges residents to be prepared for the cold weather that will settle in late Monday (Jan. 6) through Tuesday (Jan.7) by remembering the 5 P’s of cold weather safety.

Santa Rosa County is under a cold weather advisory from late tonight to 10 a.m. Tuesday for very cold wind chill values on Tuesday morning. The wind chill drops into the upper 10s to low 20s early Tuesday morning. Wind chills below 25 degrees can be hazardous with long exposure to humans and animals. Air temperatures below 30 degrees will also result in damage to sensitive crops.

5 P’s of Cold Weather Safety:

  • Protect People:Remember to dress in layers and wear a hat and gloves. It is important to try to stay out of the wind and to stay dry. Also, remember to check on young children and elderly family and neighbors who are the most sensitive to cold weather. If the temperature cannot be maintained at a home, make temporary arrangements to stay elsewhere, including with friends and family.
  • Protect Pets: If cold weather is in the forecast, be sure to bring outdoor pets inside or give them a warm shelter to stay in.
  • Protect Exposed Pipes: Cover pipes and outdoor faucets. On occasion, outdoor faucets may need to be allowed to slowly drip to prevent freezing and breaking.
  • Protect Plants: Cover cold-sensitive plants to protect them from dangerous temperatures or bring potted plants inside.
  • Practice Fire Safety: Use safe heating sources indoors. Do not use fuel-burning devices such as grills; they release carbon monoxide, which is a deadly gas. Also, make sure to use space heaters according to their instructions and be attentive to open flames.

For more information, monitor local media and National Weather Service Mobile at

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